I'm just a fairly regular 20's something gal! I work full-time, am working on my Master's (MA in Marriage& Family Therapy) and I'm my husbands right hand man... (er woman). My hubs is a 20's something youth minister who loves people and works really hard for our little family.
We have two dogs that frustrate me, but are the best companions we could ask for....
Zeke is our miniature dachshund (male) that we bought one week after getting home from our honeymoon. I had never paid for a dog in my life, but when hubs and I got to the "breeders" we were very upset with the set-up... definitely a puppy mill (and very creepy as well). But we saw Zeke who had bald spots on his head from flys and was bone thin due to a first come first get process. He was definitely a runt, and my heart just had to rescue him and take him home, so I paid money for a puppy mill dog. He is our "puppy" still with many nicknames and the first of our "furbabies".
January of 2009 my husband decided I had "sucker" written on my forehead and talked me into buying a lab puppy. So against my better judgement we added Harley (although I did put my foot down and say no more testosterone in our home) a beautiful female chocolate lab. She makes me laugh (and has the ability to make me cry, when she makes messes they are not little).